A Powerful Thang
This innovative drama, set in Ohio, traces an African American couple's search for intimacy and friendship. The spirited, African-identified Yasmine Allen is a writer and single mother who has been dating saxophone teacher Craig Watkins for a month. Wishing to end her self-imposed celibacy following her son's birth, Yasmine has reached a turning point in the relationship-but Craig, the Big Lug, wants to take it slow. Sage advice from friends and family members remind them, "sex is a powerful thang." Like her highly acclaimed CYCLES, Davis's film incorporates animation as well as Afro-Haitian dance in a rich exploration of the lives of African Americans.
Genre: Drama
Director: Zeinabu irene Davis
Cast: Barbara O. Jones, Asma Feyijinmi, John Earl Jelks
Country: United States
Quality: HD
Runtime: 57 min.
Release: 1991
IMDb: 5/10