Heere Manik

Heere Manik

The story revolves around Hirak Ganguly and Manik Ganguly, also known as Hirak and Manik. Their father Alok Ganguly is well-to-do. One day, their car collides with a lorry and the parents perish. Hirak and Manik get shelter in their uncle Baren Ganguly's house. But their aunt doesn't show any special fondness for them. A heart-warming tale of two orphans and their journey through a life of misery, oppression, escape, and adventure.

Genre: Adventure, Drama

Director: Salil Dutta

Cast: Anil Chatterjee, Sabitri Chatterjee, Chinmoy Roy, Bikash Roy

Country: India

Quality: HD

Runtime: 120 min.

Release: 1979

IMDb: 6/10


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