Horton Hears a Who!
The classic and beloved story from Dr. Seuss is now a CG animated film from 20th Century Fox Animation, the makers of the Ice Age films. An imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim Carrey) hears a faint cry for help coming from a tiny speck of dust floating through the air. Horton suspects there may be life on that speck and despite a surrounding community, which thinks he has lost his mind, he is determined to save the tiny particle! Jim Carrey and Steve Carell lead an all-star cast in bringing this wonderful family picture to life!
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Jimmy Hayward
Cast: Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Carol Burnett, Will Arnett
Country: United States
Quality: HD
Runtime: 86 min.
Release: 2008
IMDb: 6.5/10