It is the directorial debut film of Farook Abdulrahiman, startting Manoj K. Jayan, Tirtha Murbadkar, Vaiga, Kalamandalam Sivan Namboodiri, Babu Namboothiri, Manju Pillai, and Mani Pattambi in lead roles. It is about Kathakali actor, Kunhiraman and his relationship with his Guru, Asan. Gradually over the years, as the actor gets popular he becomes arrogant and takes to confronting with his Guru.
Genre: Drama
Director: Farook Abdul Rahiman
Cast: Manoj K Jayan, Tirtha Murbadkar, Vaigai Siva Vijay, Kalamandalam Sivan Namboodiri
Country: India
Quality: HD
Runtime: 102 min.
Release: 2015
IMDb: 8/10