When late in life was presenting Cimrman his artistic activity, came arresting knowledge: none of the works he had signed, not recognition. And so he decided to retreat to the anonymity of the author and become folklore. Clairvoyantly recognized that the modern era marked for extinction of folk creativity in areas such as the national song, story, legend, proverb or weather lore. The only thing from the oral folklore of die and stay alive is an anecdote. And she plays a significant role in his play Lijavec.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Ladislav Smoljak
Cast: Zdeněk Svěrák, Ladislav Smoljak, Jan Hraběta, Bořivoj Penc
Country: Czech Republic
Quality: HD
Runtime: 95 min.
Release: 1997
IMDb: 7.3/10