

Yuko Tanaka, who "married into" the Tanaka family, a family running a poultry farm, led a modest life despite being mistreated by her sister-in-law, Satomi Tanaka. One day, Saki Watanabe, the mistress of Yuko's husband, Ryosuke Tanaka, applies for a live-in employee position at the poultry farm. Unaware that Saki is her husband's mistress, Yuko, who conducts the interview, decides to hire her. Thus begins a strange cohabitation, including the husband's mistress.

Genre: Comedy

Director: Ryô Ushimaru

Cast: Kokone Sasaki, Ruka Ishikawa, Kenta Kiguchi, ⽊⼝健太

Country: Japan

Quality: HD

Runtime: 96 min.

Release: 2023

IMDb: 6/10