Rêveries d'un escaladeur solitaire
Rêveries d'un escaladeur solitaire

Rêveries d'un escaladeur solitaire

"Rêveries d'un escaladeur solitaire" is a tribute to "Goupi Mains Rouges", the film Jacques Becker shot in 1943 during the Occupation. The main character of "Rêveries d'un escaladeur solitaire" which takes over the role of Tonkin from Becker's film, played by Robert Le Vigan, is perched on top of a tree. Out of the picture and shouting his hatred of society, he contemplates and insults the members of the Goupi family, sitting at the foot of the tree, who implore him to come down from his observation post.

Genre: Drama

Director: Gérard Courant

Cast: Daniel Petit, Pascal Outhier

Country: France

Quality: HD

Runtime: 1 min.

Release: 2020

IMDb: 6/10