Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou
Movie adaptation of the japanese drama of the same name. This movie, scheduled to hit theaters nationwide in October, will feature Johnny’s Jr. members Iwamoto Hikaru, Sakuma Daisuke, Abe Ryohei, Watanabe Shota, Fukasawa Tatsuya, and Miyadate Ryota in addition to AKB48’s Team 4 members Kato Rena, Takeuchi Miyu, Kawaei Rina, Takahashi Juri, and Ichikawa Miori.
Director: Takashi Kubota
Cast: Shintaro Morimoto, Hokuto Matsumura, Juri Tanaka, Taiga Kyomoto
Country: Japan
Quality: HD
Runtime: 92 min.
Release: 2012
IMDb: 6.5/10