Wild Duck
“Wild Duck” is the story of Dimitris, a telecommunications engineer who’s forced to shutter his business after running up a considerable debt with a local loan shark. He and his buddy Nikos, another telecommunications expert working for a big outfit, decide to get to the bottom of a big scandal. Their research leads them to a certain apartment, whose tenant Panagiota becomes the focus of their attention. Dimitris is now facing some major dilemmas and a trip to his hometown will help him clear his head and look at himself under a different light.
Genre: Drama
Director: Yannis Sakaridis
Cast: Alexandros Logothetis, Yorgos Pirpassopoulos, Yannis Stankoglou, Ilias Logothetis
Country: Greece
Quality: HD
Runtime: 88 min.
Release: 2013
IMDb: 5/10